Risks of Digging Without Geotechnical Investigations

Today’s market has several available utility locating methods, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) detection, to help meet construction industry standards. However, some construction companies and excavators still fail to consult with experts about subsurface detection before starting their projects.

Accidentally damaging subsurface assets without proper planning and utility locating will result in consequences concerning compliance, health and safety, and additional costs. Luckily, engineering and surveying services combine various technologies and methods to enhance the detection of subsurface utilities and the chances of finding hidden services.

Choosing an excellent engineering and surveying service provider will help you avoid risks concerning the following:

Legal Compliance

Without necessary geotechnical investigations, you increase the risk of damaging subsurface utilities and service assets. Australia has several laws, codes, and guidelines concerning damage to infrastructure or property, such as the following:

  • Criminal Code Act
  • State Regulations for Work Health and Safety (WHS), Compliance Codes, and Codes of Practice
  • Telecommunications Act and Code of Practice
  • Australian Standard / Communications Alliance S009:2020 Installation Requirements for Customer Cabling (Wiring Rules)
  • Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) guidelines.

All these laws and regulations forbid unlawful damage to infrastructures and properties, including underground assets. Failure to comply will result in lawsuits and complaints from civilians or even telcos.

Occupational Health and Safety

Excavation and digging in unsurveyed areas have several health risks and hazards for workers. Hiring an excellent utility locating service provider can help you prevent the following accidents:

  • Water-related accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Inhalation hazards and dangers
  • Toxic substances and gases
  • Fires and explosions

Endangering the lives and safety of your workers by failing to conduct proper underground utility locating will result in lawsuits and fines. Moreover, your company will no longer be attractive to clients and employees.

Public Safety and Welfare

Causing damage to subsurface utility lines or assets will disrupt services and inconvenience surrounding communities. Moreover, asset owners like telcos will charge you for interrupting the service they provide their clients and customers.

Taking away the luxury of water, electricity, and communication from communities will result in more complaints and lawsuits.

Finance and Compensation

Your company will suffer a terrible loss with all the potential fines, compensations, and reparation costs from damaging underground service lines. By hiring an excellent locator, you can save a lot of money by avoiding all these risks.

Investing in the services of professional engineering and surveying providers will financially benefit your company in the long run.

In Durkin, they will protect you, your employees, and the public from all these risks and dangers. With cutting-edge technology operated by top-notch licensed civil engineers, engineering surveyors, and technicians, they provide accurate and reliable results.

Contact Durkin today and enjoy various services like 3D subsurface and overhead utility surveying, ground penetrating radar investigations, material testing, and more.