8 Essential Foods to Include in Kids Meal Plan

We all remember the food pyramid for kids we had learned in school. The idea of nutrition is still very much the same. Even though the rules look simple enough, they can be difficult to follow every single day. The only way to crack the right diet plans for kids is to plan weekly. 

Even though it may look like your life is regimented, it will save you a lot of time. More importantly, following a healthy diet does not have to mean that you are eating dry and boring meals. Following a simple traditional Indian diet, which we have been for centuries, has all components of nutrition packed in a meal. 

For example, a simple meal of dal, rice, any cooked vegetable and salad has packed proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B6 and B12, fiber and vitamin C as well. So, following diet plans for kids does not mean that you do anything out of the ordinary. It just implies that you have to keep different components in mind. 

If you are not sure of essential foods to include in your kid’s meal plan, here is a list of 8 essential foods to include in your kid’s meal plan:

  1. Carbohydrates: 

No matter what diet is trending around the world, children’s physical needs are significantly different of adults. They lead a much more active life than us. They keep running around and are much more engaged with the world around them. They need the right amount of energy to keep themselves engaged. Roti, rice, oats, bajra, makke ki roti and other such foods that are usually used as accompaniments in Indian foods. 

  • Proteins: 

Chicken, red meats, fish, eggs, lentils, paneer, tofu, etc., are the main sources of protein. All these foods are commonly found around us. They are quick and easy to prepare as well. 

  • Fiber: 

Green vegetables, fruits and millets are great sources of fiber. If you are not able to incorporate these elements into your daily meals, you can add these elements to your snack time. 

  • Vitamins: 

They are very important for metabolism. Vitamins are included in all natural foods that we eat around us.

  • Fats: 

All fats are not unhealthy for you. There are some good fats that are required by the body such as ghee, red meats, nuts, seeds and dry beans.

  • Minerals: 

Minerals are important to keep the internal structure of your body strong. Calcium is one of the most important minerals required by the body. Dairy products are the primary source of calcium. 

  • Sugars: 

Natural sugars are essential to gain the right kind of energy in the body. All fruits contain a naturally occurring sugar called fructose. Know your seasonal fruits and try to eat them as much as possible. 

  • Water: 

Dehydration is a rising problem in children, which can lead to a number of problems as well. Eight glasses of water are essential for a balanced diet.      


Following this food pyramid for kids has never been easier. You now have an exact idea of the different kinds of foods you can introduce into the daily lives of your children. They will be able to follow any diet plans for kids because there is such a variety. All this is not possible to be consumed on a daily basis and should be consumed on a weekly basis.