Chiropractic care is essential for those with fibromyalgia to keep the spine and muscles from becoming stiff. Because fibromyalgia causes muscles to tighten and lose some of their natural flexibility, there is a loss of movement throughout the spine. When there is no movement in the spine, a neurological reflex occurs, causing the muscles to tighten even more. This vicious cycle will continue, resulting in increased pain, muscle tightness, loss of movement, difficulty sleeping, and the development of more and more trigger points over time.
The only option is to adjust and move the spine constantly. It is common for fibromyalgia patients to be changed three to four times per month to keep everything mobile and relaxed. The most serious concern in treating fibromyalgia patients is that their muscles reduce their ability to heal. As a result, chiropractic adjustments are usually slightly modified to be gentler. This reduces the strain on the spine’s small supporting muscles, which are easily injured. When seeking chiropractic care, it is critical to ensure that the doctor is familiar with the muscular changes associated with fibromyalgia to adjust their treatment accordingly.
Fibromyalgia is characterised by long-term, widespread pain with defined tender points and, in some cases, trigger points. Tender points are frequently confused with trigger points. They are not the same thing. Tender points are painful even with very light pressure, whereas trigger points require firm pressure to elicit pain. Tender points do not refer to pain in other body areas, whereas trigger points do. Unlike tender points, trigger points can occur alone and cause radiating pain even without direct pressure. As previously stated, trigger points are spasmed muscle fibres, whereas tender points are knots filled with ground substance. Fibromyalgia patients almost always have a combination of the two – trigger points and tender points – and can benefit significantly from light trigger point therapy.
Trigger point therapy for fibromyalgia is similar to that used for low back pain, neck pain, or headaches. The points are identical. The only distinction is one of intensity. Because the muscles in fibromyalgia patients are easily injured and take longer to heal, it is necessary to apply less pressure to their trigger points.
Because fibromyalgia is characterised by poor muscle tissue healing and chronic pain, laser therapy is an essential component of any treatment plan. Cold laser therapy has two major advantages: it stimulates tissue healing and reduces pain sensations.
A 1997 study of 846 people with fibromyalgia published in the Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery found that cold laser therapy improved pain and mobility in two-thirds of the patients. Another study, published in Rheumatology International in 2002, found that laser therapy significantly improved pain, fatigue, and morning stiffness.
Your daily lifestyle choices significantly impact how much fibromyalgia affects your life. There is a huge difference between those who care for themselves and those who do not. Those who make lifestyle changes to help their fibromyalgia experience significantly less pain can remain more active and have a substantially higher quality of life than those who do not. If you have fibromyalgia, the following are some of the most important things you can do daily to help your body: